Gaudenzi Mill

Gaudenzi nel 1950


It is 1950, and Vittorio Gaudenzi is twenty-six years old. The war has left a trail of destruction and poverty, and rural regions like Umbria are feeling the impact of this crisis. There is much to do and rebuild. There is a need to reinvent oneself.

The Molino di Cipolla

Vittorio finds an opportunity to start from scratch and, together with his brothers, decides to manage the “Molino di Cipolla,” an ancient mill overlooking the banks of the Clitunno River. The choice proves successful, and within three years, the Gaudenzi brothers establish their own mill, acquiring the most advanced technology available at the time.

Vittorio and His Oil

Life slowly restarts, the family farm recovers, and gradually, everyone returns to normalcy. Vittorio becomes the key figure for the mill, driven by genuine curiosity and passion for oil production. His brothers decide to leave him at the helm of the olive oil company. Meanwhile, Vittorio marries Palma.


From the marriage between Vittorio and Palma, Francesco is born. The young boy inherits his father’s passion for oil. Since childhood, Francesco helps his father manage the mill before going to school. However, after completing his studies, he is encouraged to accept a more secure job.
Famiglia Gaudenzi
Rossana nel 1988 mentre mescola l'olio


In 1988, Francesco marries Rossana, and the following year Stefano is born, followed by Andrea in 1993. In these years, Grandpa Vittorio, weakened by illness, decides to gradually suspend the mill’s activities, a true loss that Francesco cannot accept.


Thus, the decision: in 1994, Francesco and Rossana leave their respective jobs and reopen the mill, which they continue to manage with their children. The first label is born, and the obsessive quest for quality at any cost begins. Cutting-edge techniques are introduced both in the olive grove and in the mill to elevate the product’s quality level.


After initial difficulties, the investments pay off, and in 2003, Francesco and Rossana’s dream becomes a reality: the new location is inaugurated, a place to welcome customers and convey all the passion that brought them there. Over time, Stefano and Andrea also become active members of the company, and the quality level grows year after year.

The first recognitions arrive, which, over the years, become more frequent, establishing Frantoio Gaudenzi as one of the leading producers of high-quality Umbrian olive oil.

Famiglia del Frantoio Gaudenzi